
South DFW News

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Weather Update


Update | Pexels by Anna Tarazevich

Update | Pexels by Anna Tarazevich

It has been less than a Winter Ferridise!

It’s been a NASTY day!The end is in sight, but not before we get some more cold temps tonig


Roads and sidewalks remain somewhat frozen, making for dangerous conditions in certain places. We expect roads, bridges, and sidewalks to re-freeze tonight and cause unsafe conditions in the morning. Please do not travel unless it’s absolutely necessary!

For the latest weather updates, make sure you’re following the US National Weather Service Fort Worth Texas and local news stations.


The National Weather Service expected up to a half inch of freezing rain today and with this it could potentially mean power outages as lines become heavy from the freezing rain. Keep your phone charged today and flashlights handy, just in case.

If you do lose power, outages can be reported directly to Oncor by texting “OUT” to 66267, calling 1-888-313-4747, or visiting https://stormcenter.oncor.com/.


For water-related emergencies, please call the Police Department non-emergency line at 972-544-2225. Stay warm today!


As a reminder, non-emergency City facilities are closed today and will be closed tomorrow as well due to road conditions.


Waste Management (WM) has cancelled all residential trash collections for Thursday, February 2nd. Waste Management crews will service TRASH ONLY (no bulk pickup) on Friday for Thursday routes, weather permitting. If the weather does not allow, they will pick up on Saturday.

Crews will also start serving commercial customers (Ex. apartment complexes, businesses, etc.) on Friday, weather permitting. All services will resume the normal schedule beginning Monday, February 6th.

Original source can be found here.