This is a 486.5% increase over the previous school year.
Of the 76,478 students enrolled in Ellis County schools, 4.9% of them were considered to be gifted and talented.
Ellis County enrolled the 19th highest number of gifted and talented students among Texas counties.
Texas is found to be one of the least-educated states in the U.S. A study from WalletHub ranked Texas 41st out of 50 states in terms of the quality of the educational system and how successful students were.
More than 5.4 million students are enrolled in public schools across Texas. Nearly one million of them live in rural areas where options for local public schools are few and far between.
School | Number of gifted and talented students | Total Number of students |
Austin Elementary School | 19 | 285 |
Avalon School | 25 | 332 |
Bowie Elementary School | 40 | 369 |
David S. Crockett Early Childhood Center | 0 | 382 |
Dolores McClatchey Elementary School | 45 | 657 |
Dorie Miller Intermediate School | 56 | 618 |
Dunaway Elementary School | 29 | 458 |
Earl & Marthalu Dieterich Middle School | 63 | 749 |
Eastridge Elementary School | 17 | 430 |
Eddie Finley Senior Junior High School | 100 | 777 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 5 | 324 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 0 | 24 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 0 | 213 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 0 | 229 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 0 | 675 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 0 | 709 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 0 | 314 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 0 | 312 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 0 | 117 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 14 | 192 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 0 | 213 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 0 | 2 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 4 | 46 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 0 | 205 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 0 | 168 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 0 | 470 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 0 | 331 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 0 | 204 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 6 | 303 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 11 | 91 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 14 | 147 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 57 | 411 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 0 | 183 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 0 | 137 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 0 | 57 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 0 | 6 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 0 | 80 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 0 | 303 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 0 | 368 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 0 | 454 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 43 | 1,173 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 0 | 101 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 0 | 91 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 0 | 113 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 0 | 73 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 0 | 79 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 0 | 88 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 0 | 317 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 0 | 114 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 0 | 348 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 0 | 398 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 0 | 377 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 0 | 112 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 0 | 71 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 0 | 121 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 0 | 438 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 0 | 400 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 0 | 484 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 60 | 364 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 0 | 469 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 44 | 166 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 51 | 287 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 41 | 557 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 71 | 863 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 0 | 139 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 20 | 603 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 0 | 166 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 0 | 120 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 0 | 241 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 0 | 123 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 0 | 250 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 0 | 514 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 0 | 57 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 68 | 490 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 16 | 244 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 0 | 26 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 0 | 170 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 0 | 2 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 0 | 6 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 0 | 1 |
Ellis County JJAEP | 0 | 8 |
Ennis High School | 157 | 1,719 |
Ennis Junior High School | 95 | 909 |
Evelyn Love Coleman Junior High School | 85 | 903 |
Faith Family Master Academy | 13 | 305 |
Ferris High School | 52 | 744 |
Ferris Junior High School | 41 | 653 |
Frank Seale Middle School | 38 | 675 |
G. W. Carver Early Childhood Center | 0 | 390 |
Hazel Ingram Elementary School | 0 | 336 |
Houston Elementary School | 19 | 283 |
Irvin Elementary School | 31 | 624 |
Italy High School | 13 | 301 |
J. A. Vitovsky Elementary School | 12 | 593 |
Jack Lummus Intermediate School | 88 | 600 |
Larue Miller Elementary School | 29 | 706 |
Lee Longino Elementary School | 22 | 341 |
Life High School Waxahachie | 61 | 934 |
Life Middle Waxahachie | 51 | 536 |
Life School Red Oak | 37 | 1,054 |
Longbranch Elementary School | 23 | 547 |
Lorene Smith Kirkpatrick Elementary School | 20 | 308 |
Lucy Mae McDonald Elementary School | 32 | 512 |
Margaret L. Felty Elementary School | 50 | 583 |
Marvin Elementary School | 14 | 266 |
Max H. Simpson Elementary School | 36 | 485 |
Maypearl High School | 21 | 377 |
Maypearl Middle School | 18 | 275 |
Maypearl Primary School | 3 | 201 |
Midlothian Heritage High School | 69 | 1,097 |
Midlothian High School | 141 | 2,010 |
Milford School | 7 | 245 |
Mt. Peak Elementary School | 18 | 629 |
Northside Elementary School | 26 | 406 |
Oliver E. Clift Elementary School | 23 | 442 |
Palmer Elementary School | 1 | 497 |
Palmer High School | 18 | 349 |
Palmer Middle School | 21 | 400 |
Red Oak Elementary School | 28 | 578 |
Red Oak High School | 158 | 1,960 |
Red Oak Middle School | 124 | 1,519 |
Robbie E. Howard Junior High School | 78 | 644 |
Russell P. Schupmann Elementary School | 25 | 530 |
Shackelford Elementary School | 30 | 473 |
Shields Elementary School | 20 | 492 |
Stafford Elementary School | 5 | 320 |
T. E. Baxter Elementary School | 22 | 531 |
Travis Elementary School | 22 | 281 |
Turner Prekindergarten Academy | 0 | 165 |
Walnut Grove Middle School | 77 | 1,020 |
Waxahachie Global High School | 59 | 407 |
Waxahachie High School | 134 | 2,602 |
Waxahachie High School of Choice | 1 | 32 |
Wedgeworth Elementary School | 37 | 630 |
Wilemon Steam Academy | 59 | 406 |
Wooden Elementary School | 40 | 492 |